BSE in profit for the half-year

| Reading Time: 3 Min

The Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) is currently the only stock exchange in the country. It is a driving force that contributes to the development of the Bulgarian capital market by providing a platform for securities trading and encouraging investment in local companies.

The main aspiration of the BSE for investors is to ensure equal access to market information and equal conditions for participation in securities trading, and for Bulgarian businesses – to establish the stock exchange as a key instrument in the economy when looking for sources of financing.

In the top 10 most traded shares for the last reporting period are companies such as Shelley Group, First Investment Bank, Sopharma, Doverie United Holding, Advance Terafond, Agria Group Holding, BSE, Himimport, Dronamix Capital, and Bianor Holding.

BSE in profit for the half-year

The Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) made a half-year profit thanks to a dividend from the Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange (BIE). This is according to the data from the operator’s report published on its website as of 30.06.2024.

The dividend charged by the IBEX amounts to just over BGN 3.4 million. Otherwise, BSE would have been forced to report a loss of over BGN 300 thousand on an individual basis at the end of the half-year. However, thanks to the accrued dividend, the exchange reported a profit of almost BGN 3.1 million.

The data also showed that the company increased its operating income for the period by over 18% – just under BGN 2 million – compared to the same period last year – over BGN 1.6 million.

The company’s reported expenses for the half-year amounted to over BGN 2.3 million, up 8% compared to the same period in 2023. In figures, this means a difference of over BGN 2.1 million.

BSE trading for the half-year

According to the Interim Activity Report, turnover from securities trading on the markets organized by the BSE increased by over 72% year-on-year. This percentage is equivalent to BGN 442 million. The number of transactions increased by nearly 1/3 year-on-year.

The reported data also show that the highest number of transactions for the period were concluded with the issues of shares registered on the Premium and Standard segments of the main market.

There were no surprises in the leading share of the turnover distribution for the half year – the highest turnover was again in Financial and Insurance Activities with over BGN 140 million, equivalent to 55% of the total turnover. “Real estate operations” ranks second, contributing almost 20%, and “Manufacturing” takes the third position with almost 12% share of the total turnover for the period.

The total market capitalization for the half-year on the markets organized by the BSE is nearly BGN 16.9 billion. Compared to the same reporting period last year, the data show an increase of almost 10%. This growth is due to the increase in market capitalization of all markets and segments of the BSE, except the alternative market.

The SOFIX index also reports growth of 10.25% as of 30.06.2024, BGBX40 – by 6.5%, BGTR30 – by 6.61%, and BGREIT drops by the minimum of 0.05% compared to the beginning of this year.

Over the last year, the BSE shares have increased their price by over 68% and the market capitalization reached over BGN 98.7 million.

To date, the BSE has established itself as an important element of Bulgaria’s financial system, and its role is increasing in the context of global economic challenges.


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